Winter Season According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
Season: winter
Element: water
Organ: Kidneys and Bladder
Emotion: fear
Color: black
Flavor: salty
Direction: north
Sensory: ears
Tissues: bones
Environment: cold
Time: 5-7pm
Winter is the most Yin time of the year according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a time to go inward, reflect, and preserve our energy. We want to dive into our deepest Yin to preserve our energy for the Spring season ahead so we will have our full energy to awaken and grow. The key to succeeding this season is by slowing down.
Do not push yourself too much physically or socially. Take breaks when needed and say no if necessary. The Kidneys are depleted by overworking, extreme and prolonged stress, undereating, not enough sleep, and excess activities like too much alcohol or drugs.
Go to bed early and sleep late.
Stay bundled up and warm, do not expose yourself to the cold climate too often or when uncovered. The cold can penetrate and cause later colds, body aches, and low energy. Especially keep your feet and neck covered and warm.
Drink and eat warm beverages and foods. Cook foods longer and at lower temperatures. Examples: hot tea, soups and stews, bone broth, root veggies baked, warming spices, dark meats, darker leafy greens, and even red wine.
This is the time we should be snuggling up with close friends and families. Our energy naturally wants to draw inward and it will be difficult to engage in large social events/parties due to the Yin aspect of the season. Honor this when you are feeling too overwhelmed.
Engage in slow, gentle exercise: walking out in nature, Yin Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises.
Too much fear and stress can injure the Kidney organ, try to utilize relaxation and breathing techniques and honor your energy levels and feelings. Reading, writing/journaling, reflecting inwards on oneself are all very nourishing to our Kidney energy.
Winter Recipe: Bone-Building Stock
2 pounds cooked or raw beef, lamb, or pork bones
½ cup white wine
16 cups (1 gallon) water
1 medium chunk of ginger roughly chopped (if organic you can keep the skin on)
1-3 garlic cloves
1 celery stalk chopped into 1 inch pieces
1 medium size carrot chopped into 1 inch pieces
1 medium size onion chopped into 1 inch pieces
Salt to taste
Put all ingredients into a large pot. Make sure all the ingredients are covered fully with liquid (if not, add more water).
Bring to a boil. Lower the heat. Simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. Skim off and discard any froth that rises to the top of the stock.
Simmer covered for 12-24 hours.
Remove all ingredients from the stock with a slotted spoon.
Skim off any excess fat. Season with salt.
If you aren’t using the stock right away you can store in the fridge for a few days or freeze in small portions for later use.